Sunday, July 1, 2012

Ok, so it has been way too long since I started this blog. I did the 28 day engine 2 diet challenge, lost 10 lbs. and felt amazing. Then slowly crept back to my old ways. I did however continue to exclude meat from my diet. I added back in dairy and eggs.

So where am I now? Gained the weight back and have been doing a lot of research about why one should give up eating all animal products and byproducts.

I have gone Vegan and have stuck with it for four weeks now. I feel healthier, look better and am proud of the compassionate choice I have made.

I am trying many new recipes as well as creating some of my own.

I finally got around to starting that backyard garden I wanted and have way too many zucchinis in my kitchen.

Right now I have a lemon zucchini loaf in the oven, if it turns out, I will post the recipe.

Live Compassionately!

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