Wednesday, July 4, 2012

My biggest challenge in going vegan, was changing the way I viewed food and cooked for my family. I struggled trying to recreate the traditional American plate. I finally branched out to discover new spices and featuring vegetables, beans or lentils as the shining star! I do love to bake, so here is my latest. I was going to take a picture, but by the time I got home from work, it was gone. My son commented, "Compliments to the Chef!".

Zucchini Lemon Loaf

1c. all purpose flour
1c. whole wheat spelt flour
1/2c. oat flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 c. sugar
2 Tbsp. Agave
1/4 c. vanilla almond milk
1 1/2c. shredded zucchini
zest from 1 lemon
juice from 1 lemon
1/3 c. canola oil
1/2 c. applesauce

zest from 1 lemon
juice from 1 lemon
1/2 c. powdered sugar

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  In a large bowl whisk together all flours, baking powder, baking soda.  In a separate bowl whisk together sugar, agave, almond milk, zucchini, zest, lemon juice, canola oil and applesauce.  Combine wet and dry ingredients until just combined. Pour into a greased loaf pan and bake for 60 to 70 min.

While loaf is baking combine glaze ingredients. The glaze should be very runny. Remove the loaf and poke many holes using a toothpick so the glaze will soak into the loaf.  Let cool and serve.

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