Monday, July 9, 2012

Living a life of compassion and connection.

I looked up the definition of  compassion   
a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.

I do want to live a life of compassion but I also want to live a life of connection. Today I want to thank my mother along with others who show great compassion for dogs in need. Over 11,000 stray or unwanted dogs are euthanized each day, while over 20,000 new dogs are purchased.  My mom often posts on facebook dog after dog after dog that is needing to be saved from suffering. This can become rather depressing at times, but I acknowledge her today for her compassion and dedication to finding these animals homes. One picture stood out for me this time.  Shasta a dog in South Carolina set to be put down tomorrow. I posted on facebook asking my Mom specifically to help save this dog. She is always wanting to know what I want for my birthday, for my 40th, all I wanted was this dog to be safe and loved. My mom along with several others made my birthday wish come true and the outpouring of compassion has touched my heart. My challenge to you is, What have you done today? It does not have to be a grand gesture, just a small step. Make compassion and connection part of your daily life.

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