Thursday, February 10, 2011

You Are Eating What????

I am a 38 year old woman who is exhausted, run down and wondering what my forties will be like?  Should I really feel like this and weigh this much at this time in my life.  My 39 year old husband is already on medication for high cholesterol.  We both are going through a large bottle of Ibuprofen every month for various aches and pains.  I also work at a large inner city Early Childhood Center. I am concerned about the health of the teachers, children and families I work with.  Is there true access to healthy eating for all children and families? What is healthy eating?  I have lost weight over and over since I was 18 years old. Up and down for years. In the past it has always been about the weight. This time it is about my health, my husband's health, my children's health and the health of the teachers, children and families I work with!

So I started reading. Cleansing books, books that promise energy, raw diets, low-fat and on and on.  I can get caught up in all the information out there. So I stumbled across the Engine 2 Diet on the Whole Foods Website.  I had my husband take a look and we decided to go for it.  I asked some teachers at work if they would like to join me in the 28 day challenge.  I was thrilled to have 5 incredible women start this journey with me.

I cleaned out the cupboards! Went shopping! My challenge: to make this easy for all of you.  Find the good brands, find the tasty recipes, figure out how to feed my 6 year old daughter and 10 year old son with minimal complaining, and how to afford the food we all deserve.  Here we go!!!!